Ayurveda Treatments/Vaginal Steaming (Yoni Steaming)
Questions?..Call: (859) 334-1015
Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life,Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help us stay vital while realizing our full Human Potential. Ayurveda provides guidelines on our:
Ideal daily and seasonal routines,
Proper use of our senses
Ayurveda reminds us that health is the Balanced and Dynamic Integration between our Environment, Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Ayurveda describes three fundamental energies that govern our inner and outer environments:
Known in Sanskrit as Vata (Wind), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth), these primary forces are responsible for the characteristics of our mind and body. Each of us has a unique proportion of these three forces that shapes our nature. Although each of us has all three forces, most of us have one or two elements that predominate.
For each element, there is a Balanced and Imbalanced expression. An important goal of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s ideal state of balance, determine where they are out of balance, and offer interventions using Diet, Herbs, Aromatherapy, Massage Treatments, Music, Meditation and more to reestablish balance.
What's your dosha? Take the quiz and see.
During this consultation you will discover your individual dosha (Prakruti) and discuss your current state of wellbeing (Vikruti). Dietary suggestions as well as herbal and holistic therapies will be discussed.
60 Minute Session: $120
The goal of this consultation is to formulate a treatment plan based on your intention and your wellness goals. This consultation can be scheduled as a zoom meeting prior to your office visit.
60 Minute Session: $120
Shirodhara is a treatment administered by gently allowing warm herbal infused oil to stream over the forehead. This oil contains natural herbs to help with hair growth, dry/itchy scalp and thinning hair. As oil is streamed over the forehead, the nervous system is deeply stilled. Brain waves begin to synchronize inducing a state of calm in the mind, body and spirit. The results can foster better brain function, mood stability and improved ability to handle stress. This session includes receiving tools to help you calm the mind reducing the impact of daily stress.
60 Minute Treatment: $140
Garshana is a dry skin exfoliation performed with wool, raw silk or terry cloth gloves. This exfoliation treatment is performed quickly over the skin and removes dead skin cells, increases heat and is stimulating the circulation and the lymphatic system. The "rubbing" produces static electricity, which alkalizes the blood and detoxifies the body. It facilitates optimum absorption of healing herbal oils.
30 Minute Treatment: $50
Your navel area is a vital energy point and is the house of your internal fire. Blocked energy can sometimes collect here and sometimes manifest into abdominal disorders. Warm herbal oil is poured into this vital area to nourish and soothe. Herbal infused warm oil assists with digestion and bloating. Gentle strokes are used to activate and improve the flow of energy within your womb/sacral center.
30 Minute Treatment: $75
While in a seated position, warm oil is applied to the scalp using various strokes to facilitate absorption of the oil. This treatment improves blood circulation, promotes a state of self-awareness rather than a dull sleepy state. Excess oil is toweled off. You may wash and air-dry hair before bed or wrap hair up, leave oil on overnight and hair and wrap hair up. This allows herbal oil to penetrate scalp.
30 Minute Treatment: $50
An exfoliating lymphatic massage that promotes balance and circulation. This treatment begins with a scalp massage to nourish the senses. Warmed herbal oil is applied using specific strokes to help facilitate elimination of stagnant toxins through the lymphatic system. The exfoliating property of this treatment stimulates and activates the nadi system while alkalizing the blood.
60 Minute Treatment: $120
Our skin is bombarded by environmental and chemical toxins daily. Add stress and worry to the mix then boom...signs of aging. My rejuvenating skin care treatment stimulates Marma points (energy centers in the face) to remove any stagnant energy. Coconut Rose Cleanser helps to hydrate and soften skin. An herbal aloe facial massage helps to improve circulation while deeply hydrating your skin. This balancing treatment will be customized for your individual needs using Ayurvedic products that leave your skin refreshed and revitalized.
40 Minute Treatment: $65
Vaginal Steaming and/or Perineal Steaming has been considered an ancient healing practice recognized by our ancestors and different cultures for postpartum treatments after childbirth. It can help top tone the uterus, help with dryness and flush out stagnant energy held within the womb. It can be used as a postpartum treatment and before you get pregnant. You can steam before your menstrual cycle to promote an easeful cycle, by decreasing discomfort during your cycle along with healthy food choices, supplements, yoga poses to reduce PMS symptoms.
This session could include: Breathwork, Guided visualization, Meditation to enhance your intention for services.
60 Minute Treatment: $125

Patrice Muhammad
Awesome Ayurveda therapy. In room private shower after scrub treatments. Plus-size friendly therapist.